
Annual Board Meeting - Agenda             September 17th, 2024  

  • Review of board meeting agenda and procedures

    Board member voting procedure - by acclamation (2 candidates, 2 positions); quorum requirement

    Bylaw passage and effect dates – Stacey

    MPA Committees: Statements and Q&A

    • Facilities, Landscape and Grounds
    • Finance
    • Enrichment
    • Entertainment
    • Website

    MPA Clubs; Statements and Q&A

    Proposal for a Classical Music Enrichment Committee – Karl and Geoff

    Update on PWN Playground for children with disabilities – Regina

    Facilities/ Landscape/ Grounds:

    • Sidewalks and paving status
    • Irrigation system – installation of gas generator on our roundabout
    • Future concerns – roofing RFP
    • Update on lighting – Barbara spreadsheet
    • Follow-up on purchase of additional benches in the community
    • Fall plantings, and plans for plantings at courtyard entrances
    • Purchase of additional facilities for Maintenance Crew
    • Need for Clubhouse décor update and volunteer designers

    Mill Pond Acres ANNUAL MEETING – September 17, 2024